

算一算最近看的影集,Lie to Me S1-S2ep1、Ugly Betty S1、The Big Bang Theory S1-S2、30 Rock S1還有今天剛租回來的Weeds S1。我家這裡的漫畫店可以租的DVD實在不多呀,Ugly Betty S2要到十月底才會到,朋友推薦的How I met your mother完全租不到。Lie to Me s1ep12還蠻精采的,推薦第一季。Ugly Betty我覺得還不錯看,也是有朋友看了完全受不了他的風格的,基本上劇中的內容都是不可能發生在現實生活當中的事情,但我還挺喜歡Betty堅強和自信的。The Big Bang Theory(租dvd的時候我才知道它被翻成"宅男行不行")蠻好笑的,我看第一季的前幾集都一直狂笑,不過這片也是有進入障礙的,要宅一點才行。30 Rock則是聽朋友說她看到這片常常被提名艾美獎,沒想到她看了完全笑不出來,我好奇的跑去租來看,看了幾集之後發現這片多少是美國人才能完全看懂的,或是很熟NBC播放節目的觀眾吧,當中有一些笑點我知道是笑點但看不懂,看完第一季覺得不算難看,但也不到精采。因為看完The Big Bang Thoery的關係,最近只想要看喜劇來放鬆一下,今天跑去租了Weeds,看第一季的盒子上寫著"金球獎喜劇類劇集最佳女主角獎",我就認為這一定是部喜劇,不過當時我不懂為什麼喜劇還要"十八歲以上"才可以租,直到我回家看了第一集之後…我發現和我想像的完全不一樣,這部戲我現在看到ep6還是覺得很沉重,我想我大概看完第一季就不行了,最近要走歡樂路線呀~


I'll never feel the weight of your hands
Inside mine like diamonds
Lace so fine ballerina
Cupcake and my earthquake
Wakes me from a sleep that
Never comes are you breathing
Waiting for me

I didn't really want you
But I want you now
Was so foolish of me
To feel you tumbling down
Into that empty room
The lights went out
I want to rescue want to scream out loud

I didn't think I needed you
But I need you now
Was so empty in me
To feel you crashing down
Into the empty world
The music stops
I want to rescue want to scream out loud
You will always be mine

The room spins
Pull you from me
My body burns
Tell me of the rainbows
The colors that the rain throws
Ballerina dance softly
She knows when to come only
When she's called I’m slowly coming to

I didn't really want you
But I need you
Was so foolish of me
To feel you tumbling down
Into that empty room
The lights went out
I want to rescue want to scream out loud

I didn't think I wanted you
But I want you now
Was so empty in me
To feel you crashing down
Into the empty world
The music stops
I want to rescue want to scream out loud
You will always be mine

So, so sorry
Just come back for me now
So, so sorry
Just come back to me now
oh soon

I didn't think I wanted you
But I want you now
It was so foolish of me
To feel you tumbling down
Into that empty room
The lights went out
I want to rescue want to scream out loud

I didn't think I needed you
But I need you now
Was so empty in me
To feel you tumbling down
Into the empty world
The lights went out
I want to rescue want to scream out loud
That you will always be mine


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