The bucket list電影簡介(引述自開眼電影網):
百萬富翁艾德華柯爾(傑克尼柯遜 飾)和黑手技工卡特錢伯斯是這個世上最極端的兩個例子,住在兩個不同的世界,唯一相同的只有住在同一間病房面面相覷的這一刻...




Have you ever think about suicide?這部電影的卡司非常有看頭,電影中許多對白也讓人玩味。兩個戲精對戲,一挑眉一個眼神流轉都勾動著我的情緒吶!看著做完化療後的Edward和Carter不自主痛苦的顫抖著,我真的很慶幸我生的病還不需要做到化療,我真是何其幸運!第一個讓我共鳴的對話是Edward問Carter:「Have you ever think about suicide?」
Edward:「Oh~that's true. Stage one.」
Edward:「Five stages with...」
Edward:「Of course, you're not thinking of suicide. You're in stage one, denial.」
Carter:「What stage are you in?」
Carter:「You're thinking about suicide?」

補充:Five Stages of Grief  (由Elisabeth Kübler-Ross & David Kessler提出)

Edward的尖酸刻薄真的是一絕,他的秘書也是一絕,一搭一唱的十分幽默。但很快的第二個共鳴點出現了,當Edward被宣告自己只剩下不到一年的存活時間時。Carter旁白說到:「There was a survey once. A thousand people asked, if they could know in advance, would they want to know the exact day of their death? And 96% of them said no. I always kinda link toward the other 4%. I thought it would be deliberated. Knowing how much time you have left to work with. It turns out, it's not!」(說話的同時,Carter也被醫生宣告了自己活不久的事實)。很多事情,光是理性和同理心也只是揣模。只有在面臨的當下才會知道真正的想法和感受。雖然很殘酷,但這就人生吧!有太多的驚喜在等著我們去發掘。而實踐Bucket list的旅程也就此展開…

Has your life brought joy to others?當兩人來到埃及,坐在金字塔的頂端,第三個讓我有感覺的地方出現了。Carter說到:「You know the ancient Egyptian has beautiful belief about it (Pyramid). When there souls got to the entrance of heaven, the god would ask them two questions. Their answers determine whether they are admitted or not.」第一個問題是:「Have you found joy in your life?」第二個問題是:「Has your life brought joy to others?」我想第一個問題,大部份的人都可以很快的回答,但第二個問題就不是那麼容易了。大部份的人也許和Edward一樣有些遲疑和矛盾,我們並不確信自認對他人的好是否帶給他人喜樂,面對真實的自我其實需要很大的勇氣。

片尾曲「Say」也給人勇氣,勇敢的說出想說的話。You better know that in the end it's better to say too much Than to never to say what you need to say again。

Say - John Mayer

Take out of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all of your so called problems
Better put them in quotations
Say what you need to say (8x)

Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you'd be better off instead
If you could only
Say what you need to say (8x)

Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You better know that in the end its better to say too much
Than to never to say what you need to say again

Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open
Say what you need to say (25x)

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