
The Book Thief (購買)





9 歲小女孩莉賽爾和弟弟在戰亂中被迫送到寄養家庭,但弟弟不幸死在旅途中,莉賽爾在弟弟冷清的喪禮後偷了一本掘墓工人的手冊,為的是要紀念自己永遠失去的家庭。寄養家庭位在慕尼黑凋蔽貧困的區域,大人彼此仇恨咒罵,老師狠毒無情,戰火時時威脅人命。莉賽爾每晚抱著掘墓工人手冊入睡,惡夢不斷。養父為了讓她安眠,於是為她朗誦手冊內容,並開始教她識字。

學會認字進而開始讀書的莉賽爾,儘管生活艱苦,吃不飽穿不暖,卻發現了一項比食物更讓 她難以抗拒的東西——書,她忍不住開始偷書,用偷來的書繼續學習認字。從此莉賽爾進入了文字的奇妙世界,讓她熬過了現實的苦難,也不可思議地幫助了周圍同樣承受苦難的人:讀書給躲在養父家地下室的猶太人聽,在空襲時為躲入防空洞中的街坊鄰居朗讀故事,安慰了每顆惶惶不安的心,潛移默化改變了原本粗鄙的性情。







(以下內容引自The Book Thief From Wikipedia)

Theme(s) (故事中的主題):

Death, dying – Throughout the novel, the discussion of dying comes to the forefront. This is a very apparent theme because the narrator is Death (who even experiences difficulties with the sheer amount of brutality). World War II is also in the background, which denotes that death is all around Liesel. The source of all of Liesel's and Max's nightmares are the deaths of their family members.

Literature – Liesel learns the value of having a voice and knowing how to read from the beginning of the book. She also realizes that words are what hold the country under the power of Hitler and Nazi party. The theme is recurring: Hans teaches her to read at night, the mayor's wife allows her into the library and Max gives her two books he wrote himself. As well as being the source of her strife, literature also becomes Liesel's escape from her bleak life.

Guilt - A lot of the story contains the central theme of guilt. When Max stays with the Hubermanns he is constantly asking for forgiveness for putting them through many trials with Nazis and other situations. Another prime example is when Alex Steiner returns home in the end and realizes that his whole family has perished. He feels guilty for not letting Rudy go to the Nazi school which eventually got his son killed instead of him, to which he expressed he would rather have died in his son's place.

Friendship – Much of the plot revolves around the friendship between Liesel and Rudy, whose friendship is borderline on romance. Hans' loyalty to Max's father leads to hiding Max in the basement, which creates the deep bond between Liesel and Max.

Man vs. Society
– The conflict in the novel The Book Thief is man vs. society. The novel's events are set against the background of the Jewish Holocaust and the greater events of World War II. Hans, one of the main characters, is morally opposed to the actions of Hitler and the Nazi party, although he knows that he cannot oppose it outright at the risk of being sent to a concentration camp along with his wife Rosa and foster daughter Liesel. However, Hans does challenge the Nazi regime, but chooses to do so through quiet means such as painting over anti-Semitic slurs which have been written on Jewish shopfronts. At one point he even goes so far as to shelter and hide a Jewish man who is trying to escape the concentration camps. At the same time, Hans is aware of the judgment he receives from the "party members" in his neighborhood, as they all know that he is not sympathetic to Hitler's cause, which he is obligated to be as a German citizen.

The Beauty and Brutality of Humanity – The brutality of humans is primarily a product of the setting in Nazi Germany. The horrors of war are shown to the reader through the treatment of Jews and scenes such as the dying pilot. In this scene Rudy places a teddy bear on the man's chest which is an example of the beauty of humanity. These acts of kindness re-appear throughout the novel to show both sides of the human nature.





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