1038期的商週封面故事是「欲望成功」,前兩個專欄訪問了村上隆&蔡依琳,下一篇則是「化欲望為正向驅力是成功關鍵」。這篇報導引用了Steven Reiss教授(professor of psychology and psychiatry at Ohio State University)所提出的「The 16 Basic Desires That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our Personalities」提供讀者參考及並有一個簡單的小測驗來讓人檢視自我。以下是這16種欲望:

1.Power is the desire to influence others. (權力:希望領導他人、展現影響力,以獲得成就感。)
2.Independence is the desire to self-reliance. (獨立:自立自主的渴望。)
3.Curiosity is the desire of knowledge. (好奇:對知識的探索。)
4.Acceptance is the desire for inclusion. (接納:對歸屬感的需求,藉此獲得正向的自我形象。)
5.Order is the desire for organization. (秩序:對組織、建立事物結構的企圖。)
6.Saving is the desire to collect things. (蓄積:收藏東西的渴望。)
7.Honor is the desire to be loyal to one's parents and heritage. (榮譽感:希望獲得品格與忠誠等正面形象。)
8.Idealism is the desire for social justice. (理想主義:對公平正義的渴望。)
9.Social Contact is the desire for companionship. (社交接觸:需要友誼。)
10.Family is the desire to raise one's own children. (家庭:養兒育女的期盼。)
11.Status is the desire for social standing. (地位:渴望較高的社會身份地位,希望獲得富有、頭銜、受注目。)
12.Vengeance is the desire to get even. (戰勝:競爭、討回合理待遇與勝利的心態。)
13.Romance is the desire for sex & beauty. (浪漫:渴望性與一切美好的事物。)
14.Eating is the desire to consume food. (口腹之欲:渴望美食。)
15.Physical Activity is the desire for exercise of muscles. (身體行動力:對運動與肌肉活動的渴望。)
16.Tranquility is the desire for emotional clam. (平靜:追尋情緒穩定與心情祥和。)



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