蠻開心我最後還是進電影院看了首輪,本來在中秋口碑場的時候一直想看,因為都是晚場而做罷。假日去看電影的人還真不少,光是在外面排隊等著進場的人龍就轉了好幾個彎。預告片看了「Night at the Museum」、「A Good Year」、「Casino Royale(007)」。Night at the Museum的預告看起來蠻有趣的,不過007實在不吸引我。:p

電影畫面十分的流暢,節奏明快,看起來不拖泥帶水的,那些在片中不斷出現的名牌和時尚party讓我一直想到Sex and the City。不過看完電影讓我更確定的一件事是我和名牌真的不熟,我就像電影剛開始時候的Andy,對名牌的了解僅止於Chanel、CK那類的。題外話,最近電視上又開始播Nicole Kidman之前那支Chanel No. 5的廣告。我超喜歡那支cm的,把她拍的好美,加上我又很喜歡Moulin Rouge那部電影,每次看到這隻cm就覺得:「哇~這種浪漫的事情要是在我身上發生一回不知道該有多好?」。


[Andy is on the phone taking a message]
Andy Sachs: Can you spell 'Gabbana'?
[person on the other line hangs up]
Andy Sachs: I guess not...
我看電影的時候只是單純的以為對方覺得這種事情應該是秘書該會的,怎麼還需要問。但是我今天才知道原來'Gabbana' stands for the 'G' of 'D&G(Dolce&Gabbana)'!!更驚人的是本來鮪魚小姐也沒看懂,是她男朋友告訴她的。呃…我們和名牌真的距離很遙遠啊~~

Miranda Priestly: [Miranda and some assistants are deciding between two similar belts for an outfit. Andy sniggers because she thinks they look exactly the same] Something funny?
Andy Sachs: No, no, nothing. Y'know, it's just that both those belts look exactly the same to me. Y'know, I'm still learning about all this stuff.
Miranda Priestly: This... 'stuff'? Oh... ok. I see, you think this has nothing to do with you. You go to your closet and you select out, oh I don't know, that lumpy blue sweater, for instance, because you're trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back. But what you don't know is that that sweater is not just blue, it's not turquoise, it's actually cerulean. You're also blindly unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar De La Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves St Laurent, wasn't it, who showed cerulean military jackets? And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of 8 different designers. Then it filtered down through the department stores and then trickled on down into some tragic casual corner where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs and so it's sort of comical how you think that you've made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry when, in fact, you're wearing the sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room. From a pile of stuff.


Meryl Streep飾演的Miranda讓人光是"聽"到她的名字就怕的要命,她輕聲細語卻帶著讓人無法拒絕的堅定。碰到這種主管真的讓人很害怕,對事業非常的專注和有野心,對老闆來說是最棒的,但同樣的她和她的手下們要承受非常大的壓力呢!梅姊不虧是演技派的,在巴黎的時候,在房間裡面流露出身為人母擔憂和失落,讓人看了也為她感到難過。最後她充滿自信的說著:「Oh, don't be silly - EVERYONE wants this. Everyone wants to be *us*.」,臉上的微笑讓我很感動呢!

Anne Hathaway扮演的Andy就像我們這個年代的年輕人吧,初入社會、擁有抱負(我是沒有啦~)、有強烈的自尊心(我自己這麼覺得:P)、看得過去的學歷和經歷(我是說我啦,她是有很棒的學經歷)。對於難搞的主管不甘心就這樣輕易的被淘汱、咬著牙根努力的堅持下去。在片中她說了好多次「我沒有辦法」,我覺得和我好像,我鑽牛角尖的個性常常讓我陷入偏頗的看法之中,分不清楚事情的輕重緩急和必要性。隨著她在工作上慢慢步上的軌道,她和她的男友的關係卻越來越差,Nigel和她因為這件事有了段有趣的對話。最後她和她的男友在她要去巴黎發生了爭吵,他和她說:「I don't care if you were pole-dancing all night, as long as you did it with some integrety! 」我忘了翻譯翻成什麼了,只記得前半句有照翻,但後面好像是意譯。總覺得那句話帶著一根根細小的刺,輕輕的剌痛我的心。對現在的工作,我其實有點漫不經心,我不知道這是不是我所追求的/這是不是我要的、我喜歡的/以後是不是能待在這間公司繼續工作,不確定感讓我不願意付出,在週日的夜晚感到特別的無奈。像我這種極端的個性只會有「做到最好」和「都不要做」的可能性,但是這句話讓我感到難過的是我可悲到連想要做的事情都沒有~沒有專長,沒有熱情。

看完電影的時候覺得蠻歡樂的,導演讓故事結束在一個很和平的時間點,時間再往後走會發生什麼事沒有人知道,觀眾會不會喜歡也是見仁見智。看到Andy丟手機的水池超懷念的,我去的時候沒有噴水,只有池子裡面有水而已。在另一邊的馬路過去就是有名的杜樂麗花園(Jardin des Tuileries),穿過花園就到羅浮宮囉。啊~離題了!不過整部電影讓人"看"的很過癮呢~Andy後來穿的那些名牌搭起來都超好看的!可惜我這把年齡和這麼可怕的臉還有可怕的體重沒什麼機會去走伸展台了~XD


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